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Full & Short Documentaries

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" "

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Day 01 - Cannabis World Summit

2013 Summit Go To Day: 1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | 5 | 6 | 7 | 8 | 9 | 10

Welcome to the first day of the first annual Cannabis World Summit! We are very excited to be able to share all of this awesome cannabis content with you over the next 10 days. There is a tremendous amount of audios, articles, and videos for you... over 40 hours worth! We doubt that you have the time to enjoy it all, all at once. We recommend that you start with the content that is of interest to you. Remember, even after the 10 days of the Summit event all of this will remain online, so you may return to the things you didn't have time for later.

May we recommend that each day during the Summit that you listen to at least one interview, or read one article on Cannabis Times Magazine. Skip watching a TV show to find the time. We have strived to provide diverse cannabis content throughout the Summit for you to find something that you will enjoy.

Please feel free to discuss the Summit on your favorite social media platforms & forums. May we suggest that you share your thoughts about the Summit content on Twitter. We will be watching the hash-tag #MJWS for your posts, and feel free to interact with others in the discussion! If you haven't already done so, be sure to follow us on Twitter @MJWorldSummit We'd love to hear your thoughts!

Except for the articles, most of the Summit content is provided to you via YouTube. In the sections below please click on the video to play the recording. Remember, once the video is playing you may click to go fullscreen to see a larger video image.

Before starting your exploration we ask that you begin by singing (or just reading) the Cannabis Anthem. At most respectable events the national anthem is typically played. This being a WORLD Summit, without affiliations with any country, we have created our own "Cannabis Anthem". We encourage you to learn this song, sung to the tune of Oh Canada, so that you may sing it at the 420 event you plan to physically attend in a few days. We encourage YOU to record your own versions of this song, singing it with friends & at various places, and post your amateur or professional versions of this song on YouTube - we plan to award a prize for the best video! Read the Anthem page.

Summit Greeting & Founder Talk

Bob B. "Bobby" - Founder of Cannabis World Summit
In the opening of the first annual "Cannabis World Summit", the founder of the event, Bob B. aka "Bobby", shares a little preview of what is being provided for you to enjoy over the next 10 days. He explains why he started the Summit, reveals his vision for it in future years, and even discusses some "lessons learned" over the past few months while producing this event. The Summit is an activist project based on the firm belief that "Education Leads To Freedom". The more people understand the incredible value of this plant to heal the people, politics, and the planet, the faster masses of people will demand the legalization of this miracle that we so desperately need at this time. Bobby strongly believes that legalizing cannabis is the single most important political issue at this time due to the countless solutions that cannabis offers us to practically instantly solve most of our world wide problems - health, crime, world hunger, energy independance, pollution, deforestation, carbon emissions, and even the economy. For the sake of our children & grandchildren, we ought to embrace cannabis immediately to save the environment for them, and to leave them a world worth living in. Yes, all that may sound like unreasonably large expectations from a single plant, but the truth is that Cannabis can really save the world. This Summit is to help people awaken to this vitally important fact, and to clear the smoke clouding peoples' minds from the outrageous lies our governments & corporations have been brainwashing us with for the bulk of the past century.


Paul Stanford

Paul Stanford - Hemp Activist, Educator, and Entrepreneur -
Paul is President of a number of Hemp based organizations, and has been involved with spreading the word about the benefits of hemp for decades. He also is President of THCF Medical Clinics / Presto Quality Care, and he has helped over a hundred thousand Americans to legally access medical marijuana for their personal health. He even has a weekly live television show. In this interview we discuss hemp in some depth, revealing how hemp oil is a viable alternative to fossil fuels, how we could realistically make the switch to this cleaner source of energy & oil products (ie plastics), and how this would positively affect our economy & the environment. We explore upon the numerous uses of the fiber from this plant, talk about the extreme nutritional value of the seed and how it can solve world hunger, and we also briefly touch upon the medicinal value of this plant. Paul explains how this "weed" may be grown practically anywhere, even during droughts, without the need for pesticides, and since cannabis naturally replenishes the soil it doesn't need any artificial fertilizers either. Paul believes that this miracle plant is the greatest gift from our Creator / Mother Earth, and that now is the time that we fully embrace all that this plant has to offer.


Forrest from Magic Flight Launch Box

Forrest - CEO of Magic Flight Launch Box -
Since the MFLB is such a great vaporizer, for multiple reasons, we are delighted to have arranged this interview with the CEO of the company & creator of the product to discuss this marvellous device. Forrest speaks eloquently and is extremely knowledgeable about the benefits of vaporizing, and we discuss the brilliantly designed vaporizer at length. It is really worth listening to for several reasons. What is the MFLB? It is an ultra-popular portable vaporizer with forum threads hundreds of pages long expressing cult-like appreciation from fans worldwide. Surely many of you will look forward to this interview to learn more about your favorite cannabis paraphernalia, and for those of you who never heard of the launch box... well here is your chance to get introduced to it. Want to know the history of the company, what's with that lovely quote on the back, and tips on how to best use it? Well then be sure to enjoy this interview! Some of the answers he provides may blow you away with the insights he shares, and a few tips that are offered are really worth listening to the very end.


Please note that the information presented is NOT to encourage anyone from any Country or region to violate any laws. Please observe the laws applicable to you, and ONLY possess, consume, and/or grow cannabis if you are legally permitted to do so. This information is intended for a mature audience, so only continue if you are of legal adult age in your region. None of the content provided at the Summit is intended to provide legal, medical, or financial advice; please consult an appropriate & qualified professional for such matters. The Summit participants are exercising their rights to free speech, but nothing expressed or implied is to be understood to be a claim or guarantee, particularly in health related matters, and any mention that cannabis cures cancer or any other condition is to be understood as being an opinion expressed. Please consult with a doctor or medical professional knowledgable about cannabis prior to commencing use of cannabis, and prior to discontinuation of any medication that you may be on. We make no claims to the accuracy of the information being provided, all content is being provided for "informational purposes only", and if you choose to make use of any of the ideas presented at the Summit, then you do so completely at your own risk. We assume absolutely no responsibility for your actions. Please read the legal disclaimers posted at the bottom of the Summit pages.

2013 Summit Go To Day: 1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | 5 | 6 | 7 | 8 | 9 | 10

Thanks To Our Sponsors For Making This Event Possible
Green Leaf Medical Clinic
Royal Queen Seeds
Forbidden Leaf
CTS Innovators
Vapor Brothers
Jake's Fertilizer
Magic Flight
Ed's TnT
Advertisers & Exhibitors Send us an email requesting a package detailing how you may participate in the Summit.

Not Asking YOU
For Any Money!

Wise Words

" "

Speakers' Stuff

Some of our speakers have great books & other awesome goodies. We recommend you get their books because they are interesting, but also to support them for the incredible work that they've done for our beloved plant.

Matt Mernagh's Book - Marijuana Smoker's Guidebook
"Cannabis Champion
of the World!"

Buy Matt Mernagh's book to support what he did for the cause.About Him

Must read of the year! Read Martin Lee's "Smoke Signals: A Social History of Marijuana". Fascinating & should be read by everyone passionate about legalizing cannabis.About Him

Rastafari - The New Creation - Barbara Blake HannahListening to Marley & wearing Rasta colors? Read Barbara Blake Hannah's book "Rastafari - The New Creation" to understand what Rastafari really is and to respect the Jamaican culture. One Love! About Her

"Bad Kitty Smiles" is currently producing a video series teaching how to make her incrdible medibles. Watch the main video for free at the Summit, and then get her DVD to learn even more! About Her

Get one of ElectoPig's cool Pot Copper coins! Great gift idea too. About Him

Canadians! Stop wasting time trying to get your MMAR. Call them first.About Them

Buy Rick Simpsons Book and support the incredible work that he is doing. Watch this video of him talking about his new eBook: About Him

Important Stuff

Please take the time to watch this video from Rick Simpson. This should be common knowledge!!! Share this video with anyone you know dying of cancer, or suffering from other illnesses.

Read this blog post by ElectroPig. It explains, quite well The Fallacy of the "Legalize and Tax Cannabis" initiatives