Help Spread The Word
Somehow you found this site, and admit it... you are impressed and you are actually looking forward to April 16th for the start of this Summit. You know that this is gonna be awesome, and you're sooooo glad that you've found out about this site (mentally thank whoever referred you here now).Have you ever seen the movie "Pay It Forward"? (watch it if you haven't) It's about a kid who got the bright idea that he could make a positive change in the world by helping a few people, instructing them to help others, and they then are instructed to help others... rinse & repeat. Great inspiring story!
So we told you that this Summit is a "free" event. Sorry, we lied. There is a price. But you don't "pay" us... just "pay it forward"! We don't want your money! Strive to introduce at least 3 people to this site, but the more the merrier. Post about it on your facebook, Tweet about it, and talk about it at the water cooler at work (it's ok to mention it "jokingly"... others will laugh but later will secretly visit the site).
Wanna be a pro-pot-activist, but don't know what to do (or chicken)? Got $4.20 in your pocket? Print off one of these flyers ("Pay-It-Forward" PDF flyers), run down to your local photocopy shop and run a few copies then spread them around town. Don't wait until April to do it, do it now!!! The more people find out about this sooner, the more they can then become a part of the "pay-it-forward" team.
This is a grassroots movement (pun intended). There is power in us little-folks. Look at what can happen when we "little guys" pool our tiny resources together. Regardless of what you may think of Obama now, remember, he got to become President of the United States of America by the collective voices and tiny campaign contributions by all the common citizens. How did "The Secret" (movie) become so popular? It was a viral explosion of people telling people. Look at what Gandhi did, what Dr. Martin Luther King jr. accomplished, and even what a humble lady like Rosa Parks started, for their respective social injustice causes. They rallied up a bunch of "little voices" that cumulatively became a loud and clear message. There is power (and safety) in numbers.
There is nothing like the "Cannabis World Summit" to focus the minds (however stoned) of so many people towards one focal point, and NOW of all times is probably more important than ever before. Folks, we are at a "tipping point", with more than half of the polled Americans and Canadians (and surely in other countries too) in favor of decriminalization and/or legalization, we are seriously near the end of the prohibition. But now is NOT the time to slack off. Rather it is the time to roll up our sleeves and put an end to this ridiculous war.
May this Summit make a HUGE SPLASH in the world!!! May this Summit lead towards the educating of the minds of the masses about the true value of this miraculous plant, and expose the many misunderstandings as the malicious propaganda that it really is.
Ironically, there are hundreds and hundreds of millions of people suffering and wishing that there was some sort of miracle that could reduce or even eliminate their pain, yet those same people snub their noses at "weed" like something repulsive. The only thing that is stopping them from finding the miracle they're wishing for is ignorance (and greed that reinforces the prohibition induced ignorance). There is a cure to this global epidemic of ReeferMadnessItis, and it is simply the truth. Pardon the Biblical reference (to those not Christian) but this is really a case for "the truth will set you free".
The Truth will set this beloved plant free. It is inevitable. Once a mind has seen the light of truth it will no longer accept the darkness of lies and deception. Once people realize that they've been blatantly lied to all their lives about marijuana, and that it is as good as it really is, then they become another light in our world, and sooner or later they go about "paying it forward" by enlightening the minds of their fellow friends & family. This is how the prohibition on cannabis will end... actually, this is already what is happening, and we are A L M O S T done.
So this is YOUR wakeup call. Time to do something. The most powerful thing you can do is to infect others with this "light". Let this "light" of Truth go forth and spread like a virus. Go ahead and sneeze (tell) towards as many people as you can about the Cannabis World Summit. This is your opportunity to be a part of a great historical movement. This is your "price" of admission to the Summit. Go forth and spread the word to as many people as you can!