2013 Summit Speakers & Schedule
Welcome to the First Annual Cannabis World Summit! Below is the speaker lineup for the event and a brief summary of the talks.
Day 1 - April 16
Day 2 - April 17
Day 3 - April 18
Day 4 - April 19
Day 5 - April 20
- Rick Simpson
- Bad Kitty Smiles
- Bonus Article - Strains for Making Rick Simpson's Healing Hemp Oil
- 2 Bonus Articles about Rick Simpson from Weed World
Day 6 - April 21
- Joery Van Berkel from Royal Queen Seeds
- Jake Hiltz from Jake's Fertilizer
- RD from Socal Seed Collective
- Bonus: Ed from Ed's TNT
Day 7 - April 22
- Lincoln Horsley
- ElectroPig Von Fokkengruuven
- Bonus: Project Announcement Seeking Cancer Testimonials
- Bonus: Forbidden Leaf
Day 8 - April 23
Day 9 - April 24
- Featured Article - Smoking & Vaping Methods
- Cheryl Shuman
- Adam Assenberg
- Ryan from NOCC
- Bonus: Labworx Skillet
Day 10 - April 25
- Tribute to Peter McWilliams
- Amanda Hitt
- Shane Metcalfe - "Bad Seed"
- Missed Speakers
- Summit Closing, Thanks, and Plans for 2014
- Honorariums, Gifts & Prizes
- Suggest a Speaker for Next Year 2014
Day 1 - April 16
Summit Greeting & Founder Talk
Bob B. "Bobby" - Founder of Cannabis World SummitIn the opening of the first annual "Cannabis World Summit", the founder of the event, Bob B. aka "Bobby", shares a little preview of what is being provided for you to enjoy over the next 10 days. He explains why he started the Summit, reveals his vision for it in future years, and even discusses some "lessons learned" over the past few months while producing this event. The Summit is an activist project based on the firm belief that "Education Leads To Freedom". The more people understand the incredible value of this plant to heal the people, politics, and the planet, the faster masses of people will demand the legalization of this miracle that we so desperately need at this time. Bobby strongly believes that legalizing cannabis is the single most important political issue at this time due to the countless solutions that cannabis offers us to practically instantly solve most of our world wide problems - health, crime, world hunger, energy independance, pollution, deforestation, carbon emissions, and even the economy. For the sake of our children & grandchildren, we ought to embrace cannabis immediately to save the environment for them, and to leave them a world worth living in. Yes, all that may sound like unreasonably large expectations from a single plant, but the truth is that Cannabis can really save the world. This Summit is to help people awaken to this vitally important fact, and to clear the smoke clouding peoples' minds from the outrageous lies our governments & corporations have been brainwashing us with for the bulk of the past century.
Paul Stanford
Paul Stanford - Hemp Activist, Educator, and Entrepreneur - Hemp.orgPaul is President of a number of Hemp based organizations, and has been involved with spreading the word about the benefits of hemp for decades. He also is President of THCF Medical Clinics / Presto Quality Care, and he has helped over a hundred thousand Americans to legally access medical marijuana for their personal health. He even has a weekly live television show. In this interview we discuss hemp in some depth, revealing how hemp oil is a viable alternative to fossil fuels, how we could realistically make the switch to this cleaner source of energy & oil products (ie plastics), and how this would positively affect our economy & the environment. We explore upon the numerous uses of the fiber from this plant, talk about the extreme nutritional value of the seed and how it can solve world hunger, and we also briefly touch upon the medicinal value of this plant. Paul explains how this "weed" may be grown practically anywhere, even during droughts, without the need for pesticides, and since cannabis naturally replenishes the soil it doesn't need any artificial fertilizers either. Paul believes that this miracle plant is the greatest gift from our Creator / Mother Earth, and that now is the time that we fully embrace all that this plant has to offer.
Forrest from Magic Flight Launch Box
Forrest - CEO of Magic Flight Launch Box - Magic-Flight.comSince the MFLB is such a great vaporizer, for multiple reasons, we are delighted to have arranged this interview with the CEO of the company & creator of the product to discuss this marvellous device. Forrest speaks eloquently and is extremely knowledgeable about the benefits of vaporizing, and we discuss the brilliantly designed vaporizer at length. It is really worth listening to for several reasons. What is the MFLB? It is an ultra-popular portable vaporizer with forum threads hundreds of pages long expressing cult-like appreciation from fans worldwide. Surely many of you will look forward to this interview to learn more about your favorite cannabis paraphernalia, and for those of you who never heard of the launch box... well here is your chance to get introduced to it. Want to know the history of the company, what's with that lovely quote on the back, and tips on how to best use it? Well then be sure to enjoy this interview! Some of the answers he provides may blow you away with the insights he shares, and a few tips that are offered are really worth listening to the very end.
Day 2 - April 17
Jamen Shively
Jamen Shively - Following Great-Grand-Pappy's Footsteps - 420cardprocessing.com
Now that marijuana is becoming legal, inch by inch, is it any surprise that business people are eyeing this opening frontier like those in the past looked at gold-bearing streams? Now the glistening nuggets sparkle with THC, not metal. But Mr. Shively is not just another prospector, as he also has cannabis running in his blood, and it's not just from the bong rips that inspired him with this whole business venture. His great-grandfather was one of the world's largest hemp growers back in the 19th century, and Jamen is looking to step back into the family business. This time though he's going high end, intending to position his not-so-humble weed similarly to "a fine cognac, a fine brandy, a fine cigar." Honestly, the idea of someday tasting his merchandise has made it to our bucket-list, particularly after listening to how he describes the experience a customer could expect just walking into one of his exquisite retail locations. He successfully whet our appetites as he revealed more about his visionary plans with us, as well as sharing the legal journey he is currently on working towards the official launch, which hopefully will happen at the end of this year. We wish for this former Microsoft executive to be successful opening the Windows for us all to taste the finest of great cannabis, and hope that in his budding business that he never sees a blue screen of death.
Fonda Betts
Fonda Betts - Helping People Use Medical Marijuana - GreenLeafMC.ca
Fonda is head of a medical clinic helping Canadians to enroll in the Federal Medical Marijuana program so that they may have safe and legal access to this medicine, which for most people in Canada is exceptionally difficult to get the required signature in order to be granted access into the program. Towards the end of the interview we discuss how Canadians can successfully be admitted into the program, but before we deal with this topic that would only be of interest to fellow Canadians, we delve into how Cannabis may help all people with diverse medical conditions. Cannabis may help a tremendous amount of people, people like YOU, with anything from serious illnesses to trivial tiny aches and pains. She even touches upon how cannabis can aid in meditation and mindful pursuits. She provides valuable insights for listeners world wide, but there is a special message pertinent to Canadians attempting to get their MMAR legal access towards the end of the interview.
Featured Article - Joy of Cannabis Collecting
This is a great feature length (long) article that wonderfully combines several topics and perspectives all rolled into one flowing article. It is educational, informative, and even entertaining. Much like a connoisseur of fine wines, you will learn to understand & appreciate the various kinds of cannabis available, and become familiar with the diverse effects different strains provide you, both in terms of medicinal benefits & recreational high vs stone. If you grow (legally) you'll get inspirations and suggestions on strains to try. If you wish you could grow, but don't due to legal restrictions, you may want to consider collecting "Souvenir Seeds" which may be a more rewarding hobby than collecting sports trading cards, stamps, or other collectibles... particularly if you are gathering the varieties you hope to one day be able to sprout. This article may inspire you to become a cannabis collector, whether that be only with seeds, or by having an assortment of jars filled with delectable collectible buds that would be far more satisfying than any wine cellar hoarding various wines.
Day 3 - April 18
Dr. Robert Melamede
Dr. Robert Melamede - a.k.a. Dr. Mellow-weed - CannabisScience.com & uccs.edu/~rmelamed/
President & CEO of Cannabis Science, as well as professor at the University of Colorado teaching classes about Cannabinoids, you could say that Bob knows a thing or two about our beloved plant, and how it affects the body... positively. Actually after listening to him you'll realize how much of an understatement that last statement was, as he obviously is as knowledgeable about cannabinoids as he is endocannabinoid endowed. From each speaker interviewed I certainly learned something, but from Dr. Melamede my mind was blown by the information he shared. For example, we all know that Omega 3 fatty acids (you know, the stuff in fish, flax & hemp seeds) is supposed to be really good for you, but did you know why? In layman's terms your body turns it into a form of marijuana, and CB1 receptors, which is why the beneficial effects of Omega 3 resemble the benefits you can get from medicinal pot. Feel free to google it, but actually you best hear it straight from him. He goes on to explain FLIPs and BLIPs, and even gives scientific reasoning why Politicians ought to get high. Yup, seriously folks! He explains how cannabis is fantastic for HIV / AIDS, and how it is a viable alternative to pharmaceuticals to serve the approximate 500 million individuals affected by this epidemic, and the implications that has to National Security. Sort of like a fountain of youth, he explains how cannabis may help with the aging process, and many aspects pertaining to bodily health. There is a lot more he talks about too. Yeah yeah, I know, this paragraph might make him sound a bit dubious, but remember the highly impressive credentials of this man, then listen to him. Best enjoyed with a sober mind to follow along his reasoning and conversations.
Matt Mernagh
Matt Mernagh - "Cannabis Champion of the World!" - Mernagh.ca

Wayward Bill Chengelis
Wayward Bill Chengelis - Chairman of the United States Marijuana Party - On FaceBook
This political activist describes the current state of marijuana laws in Colorado, and to be honest, as an outsider it almost sounds like a utopian paradise for cannabis enthusiasts. However it hasn't always been as fantastic as it's been since the historical victory last year when Colorado voters decided that it is time to end the prohibition against marijuana in their State, letting people grow and consume cannabis for medicinal AND recreational purposes. Bill shares with us a bit of the journey it took activists, such as himself, to gradually "legalize" marijuana, initially on a municipal level in Denver and then all the way up to the State level. He shares a few tips and insights for people in other regions, within the United States and other Countries too, to consider what ultimately worked for them to achieve the outstanding result they accomplished. We briefly touch upon the campaign educating the public that "marijuana is safer than alcohol", and how those simple words powerfully reframed the issue. On April 20th Bill is planning to do a short video recording in front of the White House, showing his support for the legalization of this marvellous plant, and we hope to provide his video message for you on the next day of the Summit.
Bonus: Titanium Deviations
In this short mini-interview we speak with Tony about a unique dugout & one-hitter smoking set that he designed, manufactures, and sells. As explained in the feature article about the various ingestion methods, this is a great tool for those people who prefer to smoke their cannabis due to its portability and ease of use. However, what really makes this particular product shine is that the one-hitter is made out of titanium, which Tony explains why this is beneficial, and it has an improved design over most other one-hitters on the market today. If you are a fan of dugouts & one-hitters it would be worth your while to listen to this interview to learn more about this innovative product... and get one for yourself (it really is an amazing one-hitter).
Day 4 - April 19
Today we introduce you to two people who have both been involved with cannabis related magazines, and who have led really interesting lives.
Phil Kilv
Prior to starting Weed World magazine 23 years ago, Phil travelled extensively around the world to such exotic places as India, Nepal, Thailand, and other countries, in pursuit of tasting the finest hash & marijuana the world has to offer. He shares some of his incredible adventures with us where he experienced the finest cannabis imaginable in remote places, surrounded by dangerous tigers & other beasts, and talks about some of the customs and religious uses of cannabis that he witnessed. Some of the mind blowing marijuana strains he speaks of might one day become commercially available once cannabis becomes legalized, and of course his humongous seed bank provides these kinds of seeds for sale on his website. Of course we discuss the wonderful magazine, the insane legal persecution they had to deal with, and converse at length about the current legal situation in the UK. Being so involved in the World of Weed he has a definite finger on the pulse of the various legalization efforts, and he shares his optimistic perspective of how he perceives that prohibition may rapidly deteriorate over the next several years.
Water Melon
Watermelon Girl - Cannabis Cook, Comedian, & Centerfold - seeds-marijuana.com
This celebrity from the Canadian Cannabis mecca of Vancouver has led a fascinating life worthy of one day being told in a biography. While she was a young aspiring actress she hung out at the famous Wreck Beach, a nude beach off the campus from Vancouver University, where she became known as "Watermelon Girl" for selling slices of the fruit, and "allegedly" trafficking in gingersnap cookies (containing a special ingredient). From there she went into stand up comedy, became a popular cannabis pinup model, and even started her own television cooking shows featuring cannabis as the main ingredient in all her scrumptious culinary delights. If you're bored of eating brownies and are interested in learning how to cook up cannabis infused haut cuisine at your next dinner party then take the time to check out her website. Listen to this interview sharing some highlights from her life, her baked baking shows, and even some insightful tips.
Linus from Vapor Brothers
Linus from Vapor Brothers - VaporBrothers.com
In this longer product discussion we talk about the benefits of vaporizing cannabis rather than smoking it, and reveal how their desktop vaporizer is an excellent choice for medicinal marijuana users, and for those who are health conscious recreational consumers. Linus reveals the interesting history of the company, which is one of the oldest & original manufacturers of vaporizers, and how they engineered the unique design of this high quality product. Vapor Brothers also announce the new product that they are now introducing, a vaporizing pen, which allows medical users to get a "dab" of medicinal cannabis concentrates with the ease and convenience like an electronic cigarette, being able to medicate practically anywhere.
Day 5 - April 20
Rick Simpson
Rick Simpson - Cured Cancer & Got Busted - PhoenixTears.ca

In this huge interview Rick talks at length about a lot of things in depth. This recording is by far the longest interview done for the Summit, and for those of you who want to learn more about this marvellous man, or for those of you with cancer looking for lots of great information from Rick himself, then be sure to listen to this long recording. Believe it or not, it is actually much shorter than originally as this is the second recording we've done together. Sadly the first interview, which lasted 5 hours and 5 minutes long was mostly lost due to an unfortunate technical problem, and even the second call had frequent call drops for some strange reason (spooky?). The second recording is shorter because we decided to skip some extra stuff we discussed the first time (fascinating, though technically not relevant), and also we were able to accelerate other parts of the discussions the second time around. For what it is worth, Rick's good character was clearly seen by his reaction to the technical problems we had to deal with, and his willingness to spend so much of his precious time to do these interviews in order to share this uncensored information with all of you. In the interview Rick shares his story with you, how he cured his own cancer & many others, how this oil may help many people, and then we delve, in depth, into discussions about making the healing oil. Many questions were asked, trying to anticipate questions that many of you would think of, and Rick answered them all - some of which were a bit surprising, and contrary to what I thought. There is just sooooo much incredible information in this call that it would be impossible to adequately summarize here. Simply put, the information Rick shares here is incredibly important for people to know. For what it is worth, it was during the first call with Rick that I had my personal epiphany that legalizing cannabis is the single most important political issue of our times, and after listening to Rick speak you too will quickly come to realize that this plant is a miracle just waiting for us to make full use of it.
Bad Kitty Smiles
"Bad Kitty Smiles" - Incredible Medible Maker - BadKat's CannaPharm on GrassCity

Bonus Article - Strains for Making Rick Simpson's Healing Hemp Oil
In the interview with Rick Simpson he discusses what kinds of strains he looks for to produce his miraculous healing hemp oils with. This short article, which is meant to be read after the "Joy of Cannabis Collecting", provides a short list of potentially suitable strains for your consideration, but of photoperiod (regular) and autoflowering varieties. It also discusses the reasoning for using multiple strains to create the medicine with, and encourages everyone to collect the seeds to keep as a kind of insurance incase you or a loved one happens to get diagnosed with Cancer or some other serious illness that cannabis may help with, so that you have the seeds when your life may depend upon them.
2 Bonus Articles about Rick Simpson from Weed World
Weed World Magazine was kind enough to provide us with two historic articles they printed about Rick Simpson, with permission to share them with you here. One article explains in detail how to produced the Rick Simpson Hemp Oil (in the interview he explains it in great detail).
Day 6 - April 21
Joery Van Berkel from Royal Queen Seeds
Joery Van Berkel - Royal Queen Seeds - www.medicalcannabiscaregivers.org
Royal Queen Seeds have been helpful with a few things involving this Summit, and Joery from RQS kindly accepted our request to share information about growing marijuana for all of you. Living in the Netherlands he is allowed to grow several plants outdoors, so he has experience to share from, though admittedly less experience with indoor growing due to local laws, but being from such a reputable seed company of course he knows a thing or two about that too. You can tell from how he speaks that he is passionate about cannabis, and is a recreational connoisseur of the fine award winning strains RQS & Amsterdam has to offer. The focus of this interview is to educate people new to growing cannabis on several methods of how to do it. Keep in mind that the discussion is about growing for those people legally allowed to grow for personal use. We discuss seed strain selection so that you grow a variety that will suit your needs & desires, growing indoors, outdoors, and even discuss the harvest time, to know how to chop your plant & to cure your buds. Literally everything you need to know to go from seed to smoke, however, even though Joery introduces you to a bunch of topics you should Google those subjects to learn even more about each aspect in greater depth.
Jake Hiltz from Jake's Fertilizer
Jake Hiltz - 30 Years of VLRMF - www.merchantprocessors.com
Jake has been a horticulturalist for most of his life, with a full three decades of growing cannabis experience. You could say that this man knows a thing or two about growing fantastic plants, but one thing you'll quickly notice during this interview is his humbleness and his passion for helping people. He shares his wisdom freely and has even created a series of excellent videos teaching how to grow cannabis, and it is all available for free on his website (we highly recommend you view them). We discuss fertilizer use, mainly for the benefit of new personal growers, but even larger more experienced growers will find some nuggets of interest. What is refreshing is that Jake freely shared his knowledge and frankly discussed fertilizers WITHOUT any hyping of his own products or bad-mouthing others, though with respect to him I will mention here that his products only use the highest quality ingredients and he tweaked the formulation, from this decades of trial & error, so that his ferts are specifically tailored for the needs of cannabis plants. Our conversation drifts through discussing different topics pertaining to fertilizer use, such as how to use various kinds, organic vs artificial, radioactivity, impurities & fillers, hempy buckets, soil, nutrient deficiencies & burns, as well as other subjects while taking some interesting tangents throughout. If you are looking for specific "how to" information to use fertilizers then definetely check out the quality videos he produced and placed for free on his website, but if you are interested in gleaning some deeper insights then take the time to enjoy this conversation. How often do you have the opportunity to learn from someone who has been growing for so long? Hardly ever, so enjoy, and you'll also then understand what VLRMF means too.
RD from SoCal Seed Collective
RD - SoCal Seed Collective - SoCalSeedCo.com
One of the main heads from the SoCal Seed Collective, he offered to speak about the intentional hermi breeding of female cannabis plants, though the focus of the interview drifted somewhat. Interspersed through the interview are nuggets of information to be gathered to learn how to deliberately force a female cannabis plant to become a hermaphrodite producing male pollen flowers. Why would you want to do that? Well, first of all, that is how seed manufacturers produce the feminized seeds they sell, and so virtually all seeds planted will result in female plants that will grow into bud producing plants. The male plants are generally discarded by most growers as soon as gender is determined because they don't produce the medicinal buds, and thus with regular seeds 50% of seeds produce males, thus wasting valuable time & energy growing useless plants. As discussed, this is also a way to preserve the genetics of a clone only strain, but an alternative method discussed is to use the male pollen from another strain, and then breeding the offspring back to the clone for a few generations until approximately 99% of the genetics is from the original clone (Google how the Cinderella 99 strain was created to understand this cubing process further). He goes on to explain how the seed strains available from them are exception, though only available to people within California, but does mention a few foreign seed banks that carry some of their strains. If you grow cannabis, and are interested in such methods, then be sure to give this a listen to.
Bonus: Ed from Ed's TNT
Bonus Interview - Ed's TnT - EdsTnT.com
Ed sent us a lovely wooden dugout and a sample of his other fine wood pipes, one-hitters & MFLB stems, which were used to show nice pieces in the article about smoking & ingestion methods produced for this Summit. He produces outstanding quality wooden dugouts that are worthy of collecting, great for ladies who want exquisit dugouts that accessorize well with their outfits & purses, and for the gentlemen who enjoy the finer things. In this very short interview he talks a bit about how he makes these unique pieces, and provides more information about them. If you smoke on the go, and are the type of person who takes pride in your equipment, then be sure to listen to this brief interview and to look over the many exotic wood choices available on his website.
Day 7 - April 22
Lincoln Horsley
Lincoln is just a fabulous young man who has embraced the mission of helping people to do exactly what the name of his website implies; curing yourself of cancer. Ever since the first gentleman whom Lincoln helped to eradicate his cancer, he went on producing his website and helping many others. A huge fan and sort of a disciple of Rick Simpson, he assists people to produce the famous "Hemp Oil" to the high quality standards Rick insists upon. Of course he can't help everyone in the world directly, which is why he made his fabulous website that provides all the relevant information, and links to other supporting websites, making his site an ideal place to direct people's attention to in order to access this information. During the interview Lincoln explains a lot of things that would be of interest to people currently battling cancer, in particular he reveals the entire process of producing the medicine at home (so that anyone can do it themselves), and how to proceed with the self-treatment. Lincoln has a heart of gold, truly caring about people. If you know anyone who has cancer (chances are that you do now, or will soon) then be sure to direct them to this interview, Lincoln's website, and the interview with Rick Simpson also featured at this Summit. This simple referral may save their life.
ElectroPig Von Fokkengruuven
ElectroPig Von Fokkengruuven - Activist Extraordinaire - OverGrow.ning.com
This activist has an entertaining personality to augment his important messages, messages that he's been traveling around sharing at various events in Canada & the USA. Initially we invited ElectroPig to discuss "Overgrow", sowing hemp seed as a political statement, and to learn why our jargon "legalize" may be the wrong term to use to achieve our objectives. A third main concept he offered to discuss was quickly embraced, as it encourages unity in all the cannabis camps - those who favor various aspects such as medicinal, recreational, hemp, etc. ElectroPig shares some interesting perspectives that just make a lot of sense, and throughout this much longer than anticipated interview, conversation drifts across a broad based of intriguing topics.
Bonus: Project Announcement Seeking Cancer Testimonials
Lincoln Horsley & Bobby, inspired with an idea after pondering Jamen Shively's father, have come up with a project idea that will be developed on the "Cure Your Own Cancer" website. If you have cancer currently, or if you have beaten cancer with the help of cannabis, then please listen to this important recording.
Bonus: Forbidden Leaf
Dana Dwight - Hemp Oil Lotions, Soaps & more - ForbiddenLeaf.com
In this bonus interview we talk with Dana about her Forbidden Leaf line of bath products. These lovely soaps, creams, massage oils, balms and more are truly exquisite in terms of quality and user experience. Dana also discusses how hemp seed oil, which all of the Forbidden Leaf products contain, is extremely beneficial for the body, not only when eaten, but applied to the skin. Apparently hemp oil is beneficial for numerous skin conditions, such as eczema, but it also has the benefit of rejuvenating the skin, and is a better beauty cream than numerous expensive jars of skin creams at stores. We touch upon various hemp benefits, and even reveal a powerful "Mexican" preparation of cannabis that is easy to make at home, and a lot of people swear it to be an incredible topical for arthritis, joint & muscle pains. She is looking for greater distribution of these professionally packaged products (currently only stores in California carry them), so hopefully distributors will pick up her line so that one day you may see her goods at your local stores, but you can at least get some from her online store for now. One last thing is that these products, with the prominently displayed "weed leaf", makes a fine gift to share with people you are trying to introduce to the marvels of cannabis.
Day 8 - April 23
Susun Weed
Susun Weed - Wise Woman About All Kinds Of Weeds - SusunWeed.com
With a name like Susun *WEED* you might assume that she is some big cannabis connoisseur, activist, or pot smoker, but no, that's not who she is at all. Susun is actually an incredibly Wise Woman knowledgeable about herbs, not just "the herb". She is probably the most famous herbalist around today, and Googling for even a minute or two about herbs will likely result in you stumbling across one of her websites, or others referencing her. Many herbalists today have learned from Susun (via her books or online), including Bobby (founder of this Summit), and she is certainly worthy of our respect & admiration. We invited Susun to introduce the world of herbs to those of you who use "the herb" for medicinal purposes. The world is full of powerful medicinal herbs, and chances are that the ailments you are dealing with may be helped by appropriate use of natures' pharmacy. Towards the end of the interview she touches upon some herbs that may be of benefit to many of you to nurture & support your health, though it would be well worth your efforts to study herbs in far greater depth to learn how to help yourself with your specific needs. Susun's websites and books are good places to start with that journey. Susun also shares some thoughts about how to use cannabis medicinally, and I must admit that I was pleasantly surprised by some of her answers (not what I expected at all). We also asked Susun to share some spiritual insights regarding working with Cannabis, and she indulged us with a wealth of inspiring thoughts. Ironically, the entire interview went completely backwards from what was intended, as though we were working through the prepared list of questions backwards, and somehow it just worked out better that way. The main topic intended to be discussed, introducing other healing herbs, is towards the end of the call. The call was perfect for what it was, and simply put this interview is rich with Wisdom to be appreciated in several ways. Hopefully, after listening to this call, you will come to appreciate all herbs, including cannabis, with a deeper respect, and perhaps you'll devote some of your time broadening your understanding of how to work with our green allies for better health.
Benny from Cannitrol
Benny - Cannabis Withdrawl Symptoms - Cannitrol.com
As a result of quitting cannabis use by in order to protect this Summit, the founder discovered that abruptly stopping regular cannabis (used for health reasons) did have unpleasant effects, which led to discovering Cannitrol. We asked Benny to discuss the subject of cannabis withdrawal symptoms as many cannabis users may at some time have to discontinue using cannabis and may want to know how to make it easier on themselves. Now Benny was a lot shyer during the interview than the initial conversations, but there is plenty of information within the call explaining the symptoms along with strategies of how to deal with them. It is important to mention here, so as not to alarm people that cannabis is NOT anywhere near as addictive as many other substances (even coffee is considered to be far more addicting) and it is relatively easy to quit. For habitual users, quitting cold turkey, may have some unpleasant withdrawal effects, though compared to many other substances (such as alcohol, tobacco, opiates) cannabis is not severe. Please Google this topic or talk to your doctor if this topic is of interest to you.
Bonus: Safe Payment Systems
Bonus Interview - Sean Michaels - GoldenState Bankcard - GoldenStateBankcard.com/merchant-services/hemp/smoke
One of the founding partners of Goldenstate Bankcard offered to share some information about securing a payment processing provider for mmj, cbd, and hemp products. It is perfect for cannabis retailers, online sellers, wholesalers and distributors to find a reliable cannabis friendly credit card processor. Sean explains what bankcard services look for in approving a merchant account for hemp, cbd, and marijuana dispensaries He also explains how to setup a checking account with a bank or credit union that accepts cannabis business models.
Article: Chew Away Anxiety
Some use cannabis to overcome anxiety, yet some others have found that they experience light anxiety from cannabis use, particularly if they consume sativa dominant strains. Furthermore, some people may experience some anxiety when quitting cannabis abruptly. In this article you will learn a few things about anxiety, which is something that a lot of people tend to experience for a bunch of reasons. A few ideas are shared to help reduce your anxiety levels, such as reducing caffeine intake, but the main point of this article is to make use of a readily accessible herb that may be purchased legally in health food stores to literally chew away the unpleasant feelings. It really does work to help with minor anxiety issues for a lot of people, but remember, if you experience significant anxiety then be sure to talk with your doctor.
Day 9 - April 24
Featured Article - Smoking & Vaping Methods
This huge article explains the numerous ways that cannabis is frequently smoked or vaporized, and reviews some paraphernalia that is used for those methods. Surely many of you already are experts in some ways of consuming this herb, but many people need to learn that there are numerous ways to indulge or to medicate, particularly those who are newcomers to cannabis. Most people naturally think of smoking a joint (a cannabis cigarette), but there are many other ways to smoke marijuana, and other healthier ways to consume it that don't involve smoking, such as vaporizing, eating it, using tinctures, applying it topically, and even the fun-to-discuss method of using it as a suppository. Most of these methods may be enjoyed recreationally, but especially medicinal users will want to see the many choices they have to medicate, and to select the methods that might be best for them.
Cheryl Shuman
Cheryl Shuman - Omnipresent Cannabis Advocate & Entrepreneur - CherylShuman.com
If you haven't come across Cheryl yet then you must be an internet hermit on cannabis topics. This Hollywood celebrity, social media expert, and brilliant marketer is rapidly positioning herself to be a big name in the emerging era of the "Pot Com Boom". At the very least you have probably seen her recently on the Ricki Lake Show in the historically significant episode where Ricki discusses medical marijuana along with the beloved guest "Brave Mykayla". Cheryl talks about the Ricki lake episode, as well as revealing some details about her new marijuana related reality TV series that she is currently producing, with Hollywood executives. Cheryl shares some tidbits from her life, her personal battle with cancer, and other cannabis relevant facets worthy of one day appearing in a biography about this fascinating woman. One thing that you should notice after listening to Cheryl in this recording is that she is truly a wonderful person, has a good heart, and is a "real" person despite being a Hollywood persona. We converse at length about the business opportunities that are now available due to the evolving legalization processes, touched upon stocks, and even encourage others to participate in this exceptional time to be a green entrepreneur. She shares with us more information about the CannaCig Vapor Inhaler, and the Cumulus Vapor Inhaler, which are exceptional vaporizers that look exactly like typical eCigarettes, except designed to be used with quality cannabis concentrates. Considering the number and nature of cannabis related projects that she is involved with, she is definitely worth following on social media to find out about interesting developments or simply to enjoy the bountiful content she provides offering us all "behind-the-scenes" & "backstage" access to lots of intriguing events & conversations.
Adam Assenberg
Adam Assenberg - Don't mess with the Sheriff - Adam4Sheriff.org
This guy is one amazing activist. After having his back smashed by criminals trying to steal explosives under his guard working for the LAPD, he quickly came to discover the astounding medicinal value of cannabis, and it led him down a fascinating life path. He shares how he was able to get off extreme opiates use, enough to put down an elephant, without any withdrawal symptoms, and that the pain relieving & seizure arresting properties of the cannabis is unmatched by the ton of morphine and other pharmaceuticals he had to take. He mentions his legal challenges being kicked out of housing for his legal medical marijuana usage, and shares his experience running a dispensary that got raided, illegally, in 2011, which later he won in the courts. He briefly shares about his time as a host of the "Marijuana: Fact or Fiction" radio show that ran for 3 years in Idaho (KRFP 92.5 FM). After hearing him sharing his intriguing past, and the numerous nuggets of insights scattered throughout, we then delve into his current activist project, which is the main purpose of this interview. Adam is running for Sheriff. Apparently, the local Sheriff has more power than the DEA, and so if he gets elected into power he vows to protect the rights of cannabis users, dispensaries, and others who are abiding by State & local laws, and will arrest any DEA agent(s) that illegally step into Adam's turf to harrass any cannabis users. Naturally one wonders if a local Sheriff can do all that, and apparently they can! Adam demystifies why this is so, and explains how he plans to send powerful political messages via his running for Sheriff. He encourages other Sheriffs to do their jobs properly (upholding the rights of cannabis users), and inspires others to follow in his footsteps by running for Sheriff in their local areas. One impressive trait Adam exhibits is his outstanding knowledge of the law, and his ability to refer to law titles and even directly quote them from memory. He strongly recommends that people, all of YOU, take the time to study your laws, and he explains the benefits for you to do so.
Ryan from NOCC
Ryan - Northern Ontario Compassion Club - NOCC.ca
Originally we thought to discuss something completely different, but during our pre-interview discussions it became obvious that Ryan had another impassioned message to share with us, so we completely switched gears. In a nutshell, Ryan strongly encourages everyone to forget about watching TV and to "read some law", meaning read the laws and really get to understand them. He explains that by understanding the laws you really understand what your rights are, and are able to clearly see the insanity of the prohibition laws. Importantly, you can find the loopholes and contradictions within the law. This may help prepare you better for senseless encounters with law enforcement officers, and to prepare your "defence" in court. It also helps you to become a better activist. Though Ryan is NOT a lawyer or providing any legal advice, it is admirable that a layperson can know more about relevant laws than professionals who ought to know the laws do. Most of this interview he specifically refers to Canadian laws. If you are a Canadian than it would be worth listening to this entire interview (and follow along online), particularly since near the end we discuss some legal ideas that might possibly be a legal loophole for medicinal users (hopefully some lawyer could provide feedback on these ideas?). Granted, for most people around the world (not Canadians) might find this interview somewhat irrelevant to themselves, but as mentioned at the start of this speaker description, Ryan does share some insights about learning your cannabis laws, and thus there is relevant information for you to consider learning more about your laws.
Bonus: Labworx Skillet
Cade Stone - Vapor Skillet Glass Artist - Labworx-Skillet.com
In this bonus interview Cade discusses the benefits of using a skillet to medicate with. What is a "skillet vaporizer"? It is a glass bell that attaches into a bong, and it has a titanium plate that you heat up and then place some high quality cannabis concentrates upon. He explains why this is a healthier alternative to smoking, and how for medicinal users that need powerful effects that this may be a better choice. In addition to talking about the quality vaporizer they produce, and how to use it, Cade also explains a few ways to safely produce quality cannabis concentrates to be used in such a device. This is worth listening to especially if you are interested in learning how to make hash concentrates without killing yourself (he recommends that you DO NOT use butane due to the extreme dangers).
Day 10 - April 25
Tribute to Peter McWilliams
Julia - Loves Peter's Books - PeterMcWilliams.org
Julia contacted us offering to be interviewed to share a tribute in the memory of the late Peter McWilliams (1949 - 2000). What a fabulous idea! Thanks to her we now plan to have a tribute as a regular feature each year at the Summit (for 2014 we intend to honor Jack Herer). Julia travels to various cannabis conferences & events across the United States and Canada sharing her tribute for the man she obviously has a tremendous respect for, and she does this all despite the fact that she never met him (he passed away about a decade before Julia even heard of him), and she is a marijuana "virgin" (she has never used the herb, but is strongly in support of cannabis). Julia shares her story of how she was touched by Peter's words, and how it led her to reviving Peter's memory by taking over the website, then further spreading the word about this great man. Peter wrote over 40 books during his life, including numerous titles in the field of "Personal Growth" (aka "Self Help"), which we put emphasis on during the interview since some of his titles may help some of you. He has a series of Life 101 books, providing insights into important life issues, love, wealth, and others. He dealt with depression in several of his books, providing excellent strategies on how people can better cope & overcome their depression. He was extremely impressed with hypericum (St. John's Wort) and wrote a whole book on how this cheap & easy available herb can help people with depression better than pharmaceuticals. Towards the end of his life Peter became a prominent cannabis activist due to learning about the benefits of cannabis to treat his HIV / AIDS and lymphoma cancer. His first puff of cannabis was a miracle for him, it led to him putting a significant focus upon cannabis, and he became quite vocal as an advocate. He even published, with Todd McCormic, "How To Grow Medical Marijuana", and other writings on the subject. He was targeted by the DEA for his outspoken opinions, and Julia touches upon these things during the tribute interview. Unfortunately Julia was a bit under the weather for our call, but she boldly proceeded. If you haven't heard of Peter McWilliams before then hopefully she will inspire you to seek out some of his books, and if you do then her mission will be accomplished - of keeping his memory alive & his books in active use towards further helping to inspire even more people with his insights.
Amanda Hitt
Amanda Hitt - Survived Breast Cancer & Lives! - Running With Shiva & OLM2013
Amanda is recognized (by several organizations) as being an "outstanding advocate" for Cannabis, and she is involved with numerous projects & groups. She is even one of the speakers for the upcoming Medi-Cup in San Diego. Her beaming extroverted personality shines to illuminate for us the truth about how Cannabis can be of incredible benefit to us all. But she also passionately points out other incongruencies between known carcinogens, and our reckless use of those chemicals in our foods, medicines, cosmetics, and environment. Diagnosed with Breast Cancer in 2009 but confirmed clear of cancer by an MRI earlier this year, she has been a peer review panelist, which is a nominated position of the CDMRP. This cancer organization of the Department of Defence is doing a lot of cancer research, and she shares some of what she has learned by being involved with them. Amanda has an effervescent personality, is quite the social butterfly, and she involves herself in numerous groups & projects pertaining to cancer and cannabis. She has already been helpful, completely voluntarily, supporting the Summit event, and with her abundance of connections it seems that she might single-handedly refer half of next year's speakers! Considering how connected & involved she is, it would definitely be worth following her on her active social media portals, which she does all from the belief that "together we are stronger".
Shayne Metcalfe - "Bad Seed"
Shane Metcalfe - Filmmaker Shot Cannabis Doc - Bad Seed
We got a very last minute opportunity to interview filmmaker Shayne Metcalfe as he discusses his current project of producing a new cannabis documentary titled "Bad Seed". Originally hired to produce videos for a cannabis fertilizer company, he quickly came to learn that cannabis wasn't the dangerous drug that he's believed it to be all his life, and soon came to question why cannabis is illegal in the first place. That question became the premise that launched his new video documentary project that took him around the country to interview cannabis experts in search for enlightening answers. The movie will be released in the summer of 2013, but here you may watch a couple of previews, and listen to him share even more during the interview.
Missed Speakers
There are a number of people that were invited to be Summit Speakers that ended up not being here. Some of you have asked what happened to some of them, or why they aren't speaking? Here is shared the answer to some of those questions. The short answer is that we didn't receive a reply back from some of those people / organizations, and honestly, there are a few that we dropped the ball on, and to them we offer our public apologies. Hopefully some of the people we missed this year will still become speakers for next year.
Summit Closing, Thanks, and Plans for 2014
Bobby, the founder of the Summit, shares a few closing words to end the Summit. He explains how all this content is to now remain online so that people may still access this information, and why this is important. He discusses next year's Summit event, 2014, and invites YOU to participate. He thanks the Summit participants, and shares a few parting words.
Honorariums, Gifts & Prizes
We are extremely grateful to a few suppliers for generously contributing items to be gifted to speakers as honorariums, and a few items to be used as additional gifts and/or prizes.
- We are grateful to Royal Queen Seeds who offered to send every speaker a packet of one of their fantastic seeds. We interviewed Joery Van Berkel from RQS, and their seeds were highlighted in the feature article "Joy of Cannabis Collecting" provided at the Summit. We think very highly of the Royal Queen Seed brand, would wholeheartedly recommend their seeds (please consider buying some from a supplier advertising at the Summit), and are extremely grateful to them for providing all event participants with a gift.
- Dana Dwight from Forbidden Leaf has also offered to provide our speakers with a gift of some fine Forbidden Leaf Hemp Seed Oil Skin Care products. We have had the pleasure to try these luscious products and know that the speakers who shall receive these gifts will be impressed to say the least. Be sure to listen to the interview with Dana to learn how hemp oil, which is an important ingredient in all the products, helps with various skin conditions, and you'll hear glowing opinions about these fantastic products that are great for personal use, and to give as gifts (particularly to those to whom you are attempting to introduce cannabis to).
- CTS Innovators have offered to provide 5 units of their 7 Leaf Drying Racks to be sent out for Summit speakers, and we are very grateful to them for providing these great drying racks. As we discuss in the short interview, this is absolutely fantastic for drying herbs of various sorts, including cannabis buds, but may also be used for conveniently drying any garden herbs. This product is highly recommended if you grow your own weed, or if you harvest other medicinal or flavorful weeds from the garden. Is it any surprise that we'll be sending Susun Weed one of these great contraptions? If you grow herbs, especially "the herb", then you should consider getting one of these to make your drying much easier & effective.
- The fine people over at Magic Flight sent us a few extra Launch Boxes in their product review package, which we intend to share as gifts for a select few who have gone above & beyond our expectations at the Summit. We would like to give the premium Cherry unit to "Bad Kitty Smiles" as a symbolic gesture that she has provided the cherry on top for the Summit with the video she has been working on for months for all of you to learn from her. Lincoln Horsley from Cure Your Own Cancer for multiple reasons, and one for Rick Simpson who deserves a world of gratitude. The founder of the Summit, Bobby, is keeping a premium walnut Launch Box (his old one is now a hand-me-down to another patient), and a final one is for a temporary employee (name withheld) who helped out a lot. We wish we could provide every speaker with one of these absolutely marvelous portable vaporizers. Be sure to listen to the interview with Forrest from Magic Flight, read the glowing reviews about the launch box & related products, and don't hesitate to get one of these for yourself.
The Summit purchased several "Pot Copper Coins" in order to have "tokens of appreciation" in case we weren't able to secure any gifts to use for honorariums. These will be offered as gifts & prizes for Summit related purposes.
Suggest a Speaker for Next Year 2014
Know of someone who should be a speaker at the 2014 Summit? Perhaps you yourself are someone who should be? Please nominate others (or yourself). Simply send us an email nominating the person (put "Nomination" in the subject line), why you think they should be considered, and if you have contact information for the person then please include that as well.